Tonight I met up with Mike Shin at the Pro Club and usually if I work out with him then we run or play squash. However, tonight was a much different story. It all started when we ran into Marilyn Gavancho, a girl from the ward, who mentioned that she was going to Step Pop and told us that we should come. So we decided to go because we figured there were girls and it was free. When we entered the room there were approximately 20 people and we were 2 of 4 guys. The class started ok with quite simple steps on and off of the step block but soon became much more technical. Mike and I couldn't keep up very well at all. We were on opposite sides of the class though and every once in a while I would look over and see sweat dripping from his brow. Then all of a sudden the teacher yells in her microphone "Are you yawning over there?" speaking directly to Mike. I believe that he was actually in pain and had his mouth open barely able to breathe. At the grueling end of the hour there was a sculpting and abs portion. We had to lift our legs and hold them there for what seemed like forever. The instructor then yelled out "Can you feel it?" and Mike yellled back "I can feeeeel it". Then she said it again "Can you feeel it?"and I yelled back"I can feeeel it". And then she said with a loud yell "Only 2 of you in here can feel it?"and we yelled "We can feeel it". There were times throughout the class that I think I got more of an ab workout from laughing then excercising. All in all it was a great class and the instructor complimented us on her way out. For a list of free classes at the Pro Club visit http://www.proclub.com/Home/AthleticsFitness/GroupFitness/FreeClasses/tabid/950/Default.aspx
I felt it.
...that's what he said...
i hope you know that i laughed so hard i was crying when i read this post...
love it!!
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