Sunday, April 6, 2008

Pre-mish Activity

Last Sunday we had a premissionary activity at my house. Adam Sweet cooked an awesome dinner for all 15 people that came. All of the young guys that came are in different stages, some have their mission calls and some are still trying to decide whether or not they should go. We played some guitar hero, ate dinner and then shared some mission stories. It brought back a lot of memories from my own mission. The bishop showed up and shared a few stories of his own. He even shared a story about the word bra in french which was a pretty funny one. The purpose of the activity was not to force anyone into committing to serve but get the guys to rally around each other. It was very successful and I think everyone had a good time. Here is a link for a few other pics:

1 comment:

Miss Bell said...

PS: The word "bra" is actually "bras" and means arm. Although, if a bra will get a guy to go on a mission then, hey, who am I to judge.